How do I Set-up My Workouts

Many people have asked about my training and how I set it up.  I’m going to keep this quick and straight to the point.  There’s

My Go-To Bedtime Snack

There are times late at night where you probably could use a little more food in your stomach.  No one sleeps well on an empty

Can Eggs Make You Smarter?

The debate around whether or not egg yolks are bad for you will live on way beyond me.  I’m a big believer in eggs, whole

Diets are the New Religion

Religion can be defined as “the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods,” or “a particular system

A Discussion Much Needed

Yesterday, I posted an image shared by Jay Shetty in my Instagram Stories that stated: “76% of all suicides are by men, with suicide being

My First Float Tank Experience

You ever thought of what it would be like if you could just escape from everything.  I mean everything.  Like to the point of nothingness.


It’s not that I don’t like burpees.  Actually, who actually enjoys doing them.  But I believe that burpees have come to be overused, abused, and