The Kū Approach to Health and Fitness

The health and fitness world is filled with a lot of noise that creates confusion, frustration, and depression among people.

Do this or that style of training.  Eat this but don’t eat that.  Then you have Dr. Oz share the newest superfood or vitamin that’ll have you shedding off the fat you’ve been struggling to get rid of or decrease the “inflammation” in your body.

By the way, the word inflammation has become this buzzword that nutritionist and healthy eating gurus throw around.  Did you know that there is actually over a hundred types of superfoods out there? So what’s so hard for people to get on the right eating track?

When it comes to exercise, we have P90X, Insanity, CrossFit, Zumba, Yoga, Pilates, Weightlifting, and the list goes on and on. Magazines, celebrities, and TV shows say do this and do that.  If you want to build muscle, one person says you should do this and then another person says something totally opposite.  Lose fat? You come across the same problem.  Do cardio? No cardio? Just eat healthy?

It’s all confusing and to be frank, I am tired of all the bullshit that gets flown around.

My approach to fitness and health hasn’t always been this way.  It evolved over time.  I took time to grow, learn, and overcome failures and setbacks.  You are probably reading this now and feeling like you’ve tried everything under the sun and still haven’t seen the results you desire or you feel miserable because you are some diet that calls for you to only drink some juice concoction.  I’ve been there.

I’ve jumped into diets blindly, did exercises I didn’t earn the stripes for, tweaked my back several times, avoided dietary fats, didn’t eat carbs, did fasted morning cardio, and slaved aways on the treadmill for days and hours.

I went through a phase of swearing off supplements to becoming a stimulant and supplement junkie.  I did the seasons of cutting and bulking, the yo-yo dieting, and even found myself looking in the mirror not recognizing who was looking back.

But one thing that always stayed constant, was that I was always trying to better myself.  You see, I was never a good student.  If I wasn’t interested in a topic, I didn’t pay attention.  Not the smartest thing to do in school.

When I did find a topic or subject of interest, I wanted to absorb as much information as possible and I enjoyed the process of learning and experimenting.  This made me realize something very important.

I no longer placed so much emphasis on the goals but instead focused more on the process.

My failures and setbacks are what allowed me to succeed.  Without failure, then there is no such thing as success.  I’m a huge believer of becoming the hero of your own story.   And like any hero out there, it’s important to make an effort on having strong and healthy behaviors as part of your lifestyle – The Kū Life.

Give a Damn About Your Body

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What happens, when you give a damn.

If you know the behaviors and lifestyle choices you are making aren’t the best for your body, then you need to start giving a damn about your body.

I place so much emphasis on building a strong and healthy body because I believe when you do, you live longer and happier, you know how to take care of yourself, and you empower others to do the same.

Remember, strength is contagious.

The problem today is that the real goal has been blurred out by goals that are hard to be sustainable in everyone’s life.  I’m a non believer that there is only one way to achieve a strong and healthy life.  Do I have my own ways and strategies?  Of course I do.  But it’s not the only way.

The options and possibilities are endless.  But your job is to find what best works for you and being aware of the nonsense that floats around which is what causes many of you to feel stressed about your body and believing a better life and strong mindset isn’t for you.

Exercise the way you want.

Make health foods a priority and – if you want – indulge if you must.

Find a purpose for becoming healthier and stronger that keeps you focused.

Through my years of being a strength coach and fitness consultant, I’ve seen some amazing transformations by awesome people.  When they thank me, my response is – You did all the work.  Thank you.

The Kū Approach to fitness and health is:

Having the courage to answer the calling that lies deep within your soul because you believe you have so much to offer.  To stare adversity in the eye and see that you can create the life you want.

Embrace the possibilities, always keep trying and learning, never quit, and as long as you keep coming to The Kū Project, I promise to be here to empower you and give you the guidance to building a Kū body and living a Kū life.


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