5 Questions You Should Ask a Personal Trainer When Looking for One

photo: Marissa Phillips

You ever find yourself looking for a personal trainer but unsure on how exactly to go about it? Maybe you are at a gym and you see a really fit trainer and assume they can get you to look like them. Or maybe you follow a trainer online who you think is awesome and interested in maybe working with them. Or, like many, you sign up for a membership at a gym and as being a new member you are offered a session with a personal trainer.

Before you jump right into paying someone to be your personal trainer, which is an investment in yourself, it’s important to ask these 5 questions before you sign or agree to anything.

1. Do You Offer a Consultation/Assessment?

Your first day with a trainer should never be killer workout that leaves you gasping for air and making you feel like you are in horrible shape. Of course you are not in the best shape, that’s why you are looking for a personal trainer.

Trainers should offer a free consultation/assessment because it gives you and the trainer time to discuss your goals, commitment, and such. The consultation gives you an idea of who the trainer is as a person and whether or not they are someone you want to work with. Head Fitness Coach of KU Body Club, Daniel Aipa, say, “A personal trainer and client relationship is a mutual relationship where both must be able to work together. If not – it’s not a healthy one and it won’t work.”

2. How Long Will it Take me to Reach My Fitness Goal?

First, you should have a goal in mind because a trainer should ask you what your goals are. During that first meeting, sharing your goal and asking how long it will take you to reach your goal, will give the trainer a moment to give you a timeline and share insights about your goal and create an open discussion.

This will help you make sure you create a realistic goal for yourself as well as show you the ability of the trainer to explain why it will take X amount of time.

3. Where am I Suppose to Feel this Exercise Working?

Understanding where you should be feeling an exercise is important to the learning process and to build self awareness. At the same time, a trainer should be able to tell you why you are doing a particular exercise and how you can benefit from it. If you are unable to feel anything happening when performing an exercise, don’t hesitate to ask. Remember, no exercise should cause any pain. If it doesn’t feel right, say something, because then the trainer can make proper adjustments.

By making sure the right muscles are working and you are doing the exercise properly can make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your workout.

4. What Else Should I Do Outside of Working with a Personal Trainer?

Not all trainers will appreciate this question, but it’s a very important question to ask a personal trainer. Let’s be honest, getting a personal trainer isn’t cheap ($60-$100/session). Maybe you can only afford 1-2 session/week which leaves you 4-6 days to figure out on your own.

“It’s a great question because people want guidance of what else they can do to achieve their goals,” Aipa says. A good trainer will be able suggest extra workouts, activities, or classes you can do to match your goal and fitness level to maximize the training sessions with them.

5. Why Did You Become a Personal Trainer?

To understand someone you are looking to work with, you should understand Why they do what they do. Plus, we are a sucker for good stories. This is also a moment when the trainer can share a story that you can relate to or feel inspired by.

Aipa mentions, “Great trainers become trainers not only because they are well educated in fitness and health but because somewhere in their life, fitness and health made a big impact on them.” Getting to that why gives a trainer the time to show their true authentic self.

BONUS QUESTION: What Degree or Certification do You Have?

In a time with social media and online trainers, there are a lot of people who are great at fitness, look great, and do crazy workouts. This doesn’t mean they are great trainers. We did our research and the top certifications in the fitness industry are from the NSCA, NASM, ACE, ISSA and ACSM

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