10 Minute At Home Bodyweight Workout: NO BURPEES ALLOWED

Finding time to get to the gym or get in a quick workout can be a struggle. Many of us plan to get in a workout but life throws a curve ball and it becomes harder to get in that sweat session our body needs. We get it.

That’s why we reached out to Hawaii’s Coach, Daniel Aipa, for a quick and effective workout you can do at home, but under one condition – NO BURPEES ALLOWED.

As much as people may want to get to the gym, you have one piece of equipment that goes with you everywhere you go that’ll help you get a good sweat every day – your body, says Aipa.

You don’t need a ton of fitness equipment to get the job done. And as for the burpees, we just don’t like doing them.

“Burpees are a great metabolic exercise,” Aipa says, “it burns a ton of energy. But I feel it’s also the most abused exercise people throw out there just to make a workout feel harder. Especially during bodyweight workouts at home.”

10 Minute At Home Bodyweight Workout with NO BURPEES

This workout consists of 5 exercises. Each exercise is done for 30 seconds with little to no rest in between exercises. It is important to keep a steady and controlled pace because you will be performing 4 rounds of this bodyweight circuit which will take you 10 minutes.

Aipa suggests to set a time for 10 minutes and see how many rounds you are able to accomplish. “Depending on your fitness level, you may need to rest longer between exercises. That’s okay. Tracking the rounds you are able to accomplish within 10 minutes gives you an idea of where you are and a goal to beat the next time you do the workout,” says Aipa.


  1. Drop in to the squat position
  2. Explode up and turn your hips 90 degrees
  3. Reverse the movement, drop into a squat, and perform hip turn on the opposite side

Coach Aipa tip:

Make sure to keep your eyes looking forward as you rotate your hips 90 degrees. Just think – it’s all in the hips

Move 2: PUSH-UP

  1. Start in a high plank
  2. Bend your elbows and lower your chest to the ground
  3. Stop just above the ground
  4. Press back up to the high plank position

If you can’t do a proper pushup, feel free to scale down to performing them on your knees or elevated with hands on a bench or table top.


  1. Lie on back with your knees bent and feet hip width apart with your shoulders against the floor to keep your spine neutral
  2. Press into floor with your heels and lift your hips up until your spine is straight
  3. Squeeze your glutes at the top of the movement and hold for a 1-2 count.
  4. Lower your hips back to the floor and repeat again.

Get those glutes squeezing at the top. If you feel it in your lower back, you have gone too far up.


  1. Lie flat on the floor with hands behind your head
  2. Bring your legs up and lift your shoulder blades off the floor. Be sure not to pull on your neck.
  3. Drive your left knee towards your chest as you rotate your shoulders, bringing your right elbow towards the left knee. Make sure your shoulders are moving, not just your elbows.
  4. Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side.


  1. Start in a quadruped position with knees off the floor.
  2. Rotate towards the right, bringing your left hip towards the ground as you support yourself on your left arm.
  3. Return back to the start position.
  4. Now switch sides and do the same motion on the other side.

There are two different levels. The first level is with your legs staying bent, the next level is when you extend the bottom leg out to the side.

10 Minutes of Work

When performing 10 minute workouts, the goal is to push yourself in order to make it an effective workout. As Aipa mentioned before, depending on your fitness level, set your timer for 10 minutes and see how many rounds you can accomplish. If you can finish 4 rounds with cycling through each exercises for 30 seconds, awesome.

If you find yourself needing to take a breather here and there, you can jot down how many rounds you finished. The next time you do this workout, you can try and beat what you did.

Stoked to give this workout a try? Make sure to tag us on Instagram, @thekuproject, when you post it up so we can give you some KŪ vibes.

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